making changes to parenting

Bring about the change you want for better parenting

What do you need to change about your parenting or your family life? Maybe a whole lot? Maybe just one small thing? Maybe nothing?

I’ve just returned from the annual Problogger Training Event where 700 bloggers gathered on the Gold Coast to geek out on latest tech trends, to finally give a hug to an online avatar, to make new connections, to learn from the leaders, to be inspired by those who took a leap, to be reminded that there is no such thing as an overnight success, to laugh, to cry and to hangout with people who ‘get’ what they do. The theme of this years event was ‘Change’. We were asked to think about one thing you can do to bring about transformation?

As I tend to do, I related this back not only to my blog and business, but of course to my parenting, to my family and to my readers.

I want to ask you. If there is one thing about your family life or your parenting you would like to change then write it down. On a piece of paper, in the comments below or in an email to me. Then think of 3 ways you could bring about this change. What are 3 actions you could take starting right now to make this happen. If you are having trouble, please reach out via email or on the facebook page and we can see if some collective minds can help you make that change.

It may be that you want to have smoother, less stress free morning routines. 3 things may be 1) get up 15 minutes earlier 2) make school lunches and pack bags the night before  3) have no tv or devices before everyone is ready to walk out the door.

It may be that you want your child to spend less time on their devices and more time playing. 3 things that may help bring about this change peacefully are 1) be very very conscious of how you are using your device. Take note of how you are interacting with those around you and the messages you are sending to your kids. 2) talk to your family about implementing some rules to keep the devices under control, such as  removing them from the room at dinner time, not in bedrooms etc. 3) make a conscious effort to do things together as a family that don’t revolve around technology. And actually allocate that time and make it happen.

These are just a couple of examples and I’m sure we all have something we know we want to improve on to make things even better. For ourselves and for our families.

So give it a go. Just concentrate on one actionable change. Try to really imagine the changed version, what does it look like? What does your behaviour look like once it is transformed? What does your childs behaviour look like if you make those changes? What does your family life look like? Then set about brainstorming 3 concrete things you can do that will help you bring that picture to a reality.

Good luck and I look forward to hearing how you are going to make that change.


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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Vanessa

    This is such great, practical advice. My one thing is to get us all home from school pick up safely and to have a happier, more relaxing after school routine. May need to workshop! x

    1. Martine Oglethorpe

      Yes a relaxing after school routine is high on everyones agenda! Some days we just have one off moments of chaos as well however x

  2. Haidee@Maybe Baby Brothers

    Great advice, I want my kids to learn how to entertain themselves without the TV, tablet or us for entertainment! Drives me batty, a million toys and they look lost! Gah!

    1. Martine Oglethorpe

      Yes we have often been know to say “boring people get bored!” Being able to entertain yourself is such a valuable skill!

  3. Grace

    Very doable changes, Martine! I’m big on packing bags and lunches (as well as ironing my work clothes) the night before. Saves me at least a precious half hour the next morning!
    I wish I went to Probloger this year! I would’ve loved to catch up with you! It’s been way too long!

    1. Martine Oglethorpe

      Oh it has been way to long Grace!! Lets hope we get a catch up some time soon xx

  4. Chrissie Davies

    Sometimes it is just the little things that can make such a profound difference to family life xx

    1. Martine Oglethorpe

      Oh absolutely….we cant try to make massive changes all at once either, so making a few little changes can go a long way.

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