Many kids are now playing games online with friends and I often have parents raise concerns over time spent online, inappropriate behaviours and bullying, that sometimes spills over into the playground. Here is a quick and easy slideshow guide to help parents put in place some rules and boundaries to help keep kids playing safely and responsibly. Getting kids used to time limits and regulations on play early can help ensure they are much better able to regulate their behaviours as they get older. When they start out playing these games, we need to be on hand to monitor, listen in and guide them through appropriate behaviours and provide them the skills to think critically about how they interact with others online and of course, with whom they are interacting.
Does your child play games online with friends? Have you encountered any problems?
This Post Has 4 Comments
Roo isn’t at the online gaming stage yet but we have serious YouTube addiction issues! She can’t be left with a phone or the iPad for even 30 seconds or she’s there, on “the YouTube” as she calls it!
We have been curtailing it with time limited sessions on youtube for good behaviour – supervised and obviously censored. It’s been helping heaps! Will be bookmarking this for future reference, for sure!!
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Video games are growing in popularity for people of all ages and backgrounds. This means that more children are playing video games as well. However, some parents have concerns about whether or not they should allow their children to play video games. And if they should, which ones are safe and appropriate?
The video game industry can be a confusing scene to a parent, especially those who don’t play themselves. However, it seems that games are really the wave of the future and it will difficult to avoid them completely. Instead, you should learn about them so you can teach your child how to use them safely.
Thank you so much for great sharing.
Kids are almost excited for every new things. My son spend a lot of time playing online video games with his friends. but it doesn’t get any bad effect for him because i always maintain a time for gaming.
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