smartfeed for kids

A Smartfeed to find great apps, movies & media for kids

Finding good content for our kids to watch and appropriate games for them to play is an ongoing challenge for many parents. I am always harping on about the need to make sure our children are getting the very best that the technology has to offer whilst avoiding the many pitfalls along the way. We know that we can use some filters, apps and safe wifi to ensure that we block out most of the bad stuff. But what about finding the good stuff? Doing a blanket search of Youtube usually brings up all sorts of unexpected content, much of which may not necessarily be bad, but it is still not necessarily appropriate for kids. do a great job of rating media for kids and I urge parents to check out their reviews if they are unsure. But I have also stumbled upon Smartfeed, another great site that helps you find specific content for your individual children. It then allows you to create a whole library catered specially for them, safe in the knowledge it has been thoroughly rated and reviewed.

How does Smartfeed work?

You sign up for FREE!

Then you can set up a profile for your child or for the whole family.

You search the categories that interest your child (or you would like them to be interested in!) and you will be shown a range of media that has been chosen based on their age and interests. You can also search staff picks and filter the types of media such as movies, apps, TV or books. Then scroll through the suggestions, read the reviews and then you can save to your library, share your suggestions with friends or go straight ahead and download via the appropriate store (itunes, Amazon, Google, Netflix etc).

smartfeed kids profile



smartfeed staff picks

You may also like to ensure the recommendations are only those with a ‘positive mindset’. You can search award winning media only and you can search more staff picks using topics such as :

  • courage
  • anti bullying
  • family night
  • inspiring boys
  • inspiring girls
  • gratitude
  • classics
  • best education

I really love this site as it takes the guesswork out of which apps, movies, TV shows and books are safe and developmentally appropriate for your child. You can build up a whole library of content that you know is catered for your individual child and continue to make the changes as they grow and as their interests change.

So have a click on the Smartfeed link here and sign up for FREE.

This is not a sponsored post but I do receive a small payment for anyone who signs up (and remember it’s free to sign up so win win!)



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