This is a sponsored post for TAC and Pause Fest
As parents we are often hearing about the risks, the dangers and the negative impact of kids hanging out online and using technology.
I am often reminding families however, of the amazing ways kids are using technology today and it’s not just in terms of their schoolwork. They are constantly creating, they are uploading content, editing photos and videos, sharing their creations with friends and followers. With all this creating and sharing, searching and downloading, they are also becoming more aware of the wider world, increasingly exposed to the many social issues affecting us all.
This is what educators and parents need to be focusing on. The many ways in which technology can be utilised for good. For positive outcomes and for creative learning that is not just academic. For awareness, for greater good and to build empathy and a social conscious.
The TAC has a new initiative aimed at doing just that. Helping people use technology to be creative, to collaborate and to launch projects that have the ability to put everyday people in the mix with global leaders and innovative brands.
Pause the Road Toll
Partnering with Pause Fest, the TAC are running a one day ‘hackathon’ to invite all sorts of people to come together to dissect a road safety issue and use the advancing technology to come up with a solution. These organisations are often looking for creative new ways to spread their message and I love that technology today makes this a realistic option for even our youngest people. Their understanding, their perspective and fresh ideas will ensure they will be our great innovators of the future. This is what we need to foster and nurture and encourage.
We have the means at hand to get them thinking about how their ideas may one day be influencing, making change or raising awareness. Whilst the one day hackathon has all but sold out, I think it is a great idea to encourage young people to still come up with some ideas to help the road toll issues, or any other social issue that needs attention.
It doesn’t have to be global, it may only be within their circle of friends and followers. But there are so many ways that we can encourage the use of technology to be utilised for good. One of the best ways to keep our kids safe and responsible online and in using technology is to ensure that their focus is positive and constructive. When we are creating, collaborating and coming up with ideas, we are certainly embracing all of that.
For more information on the Ideas Hack, you can check out this video
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