Observing Human behaviour online: what it means for our kids
The arrival of the internet some 20 something years ago, presented us with untold changes to the way we live our lives. Much of those
The arrival of the internet some 20 something years ago, presented us with untold changes to the way we live our lives. Much of those
Technology is a great servant, but a bad master. This take on Francis Bacons quote “Money is a great servant but a bad master” could
These parenting quotes may be for the ‘Modern Parent’, but there is nothing new about many of the sentiments. As parents it is our role
The perils of perfectionism? Isn’t it a good thing to want to do things well? Don’t we want kids that strive for great things? That
Have you been frustrated by a grunt, a mumble or a tween or teen who won’t open up when you know something isn’t right? When
The latest movie from Pixar, ‘Inside Out’, does a great job of balancing the complex elements of neuroscience whilst remaining connected to a younger audience
I get many questions from parents of kids who are being bullied and also some from those suspecting that their child is engaging in bullying
One of the most frustrating things about the attention bullying gets today is the unfortunate overuse of the word. I will say from the get
“A life lived in fear is a life half lived” This was the quote repeated in the Musical version of Strictly Ballroom I was lucky
How do we build our child’s self esteem away from the screens? Away from the likes and followers and shares that have become the social
To safely interact online it is becoming increasingly evident that our kids are going to require more resilience than ever before. Whilst we like focus
Recently it has come to my attention that my children are starting to cost a lot of money! Well as a matter of fact that
Hanging out online, putting forth your ideas, sharing your thoughts, opinions and emotions for the whole world to view and digest, has become one of
Should we be teaching our kids to be kind or to be tough? Do we need to focus on stopping our kids being nasty, or
Fresh from a conference, motivation is high, the new contacts are to be built upon, the goals are to be penned and planned out and
I want my boys to be strong. I am not talking about the size of their biceps or the weight of their bench press. As
The cyber world and the advancements in technology have resulted in many changes to the way we connect with others. Whilst many of the changes
“That is sooooooo not fair” wailed my 9 year old from the bathroom. Not really sure what he was wailing about but my swift response was an equally
It is only natural when our children are faced with loss, failure, disappointment or rejection that we want to step in, take away the loss,
When we lost our daughter and the boys lost their sister, months later I was reminded how much “stronger” the boys would be, as they had already gone
What are you doing for your kids that they could be doing for themselves? This is a question I have been asking myself with a
Are we failing our children by denying them the right to win….. and more importantly to lose? Every weekend during football season my sons and
In the months following the death of my 4 month old daughter, friends, family and even those I hardly knew would repeatedly comment on
How does the modern parent survive and even thrive? So many choices, so little time, so much to contend with, so much to compare to