Having an internet contract is just one way of opening up the conversation about making good decisions online. I have done these again after many requests from families to have something tangible to help them put in place some rules and boundaries that help kids build on the skills and thinking they will need as they immerse themselves in a digital world.
Like safety filters and privacy settings, it is just one element of a much more holistic approach needed to keep kids safe and smart online. An internet contract should not be signed and forgotten about. It must not replace the ongoing connection you have with your child, the ongoing learning about what kids are doing online and the ongoing awareness of the challenges faced by our kids in the digital world. But many kids find this a useful way of being accountable for their actions, and many parents find it a great tool to have the right conversations and ask the right questions, in order to put in place boundaries that work for their family.
Click here for internet contract kids PDF version to print
Click here for the internet contract tweens
I also have video game contract for those struggling to get them off without a fight.
This Post Has 3 Comments
Great advice. Would be handy to stick on the fridge or notice board or bring out if there is a problem.
thanks Bronnie 🙂
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