This is a sponsored post from Nuffnang….so read on, cause it is an important one too!
What would you take if your house was on fire? Do you even know where those things are you want to pack? What would it mean if you didn’t have time to pack things?
Often when I am driving throughout parts of Victoria that I know have been recently affected by bushfire, I always find I am putting myself in the shoes of those who may have experienced its ravages. I know when I drive around the cliffs of The Great Ocean Road which was devastated on Ash Wednesday in 1983, I sometimes find myself looking for the best way to make it to the ocean should I suddenly find myself up against a fire. I don’t know if this is unusual but its just something that I do! Maybe it is because we are hearing lately of so much devastation caused by fires. We hear the miracle stories from those that escape and we imagine the horror of those that don’t.
What I do think is common however, particularly when imagining your house is on fire, is thinking about what you would take with you. What are your most precious, irreplaceable items?… apart from humans and pets of course!
The Department of Justice has coordinated a Victorian Government Summer Fire Campaign in the aim of promoting fire awareness and readiness to respond to the threat of fire. It is urging us all to have a much greater understanding of why we need to be aware of the dangers, no matter where we live.
We have seen in recent weeks even those in ‘suburbia’ threatened by bushfires. Embers from a fire have the ability to travel 35 kms, which leaves very few places completely risk free. I will never forget doing a first aid course and watching a video (yes it was that long ago) of a house on fire. It had a little time clock in the bottom corner of the screen that started from the moment the cigarette fell on to the paper. Within 2 minutes the house was completely ablaze. I remember being shocked by the speed it took hold. For some reason we always think we will have time. But unfortunately, recent history has shown us all too shockingly, that this is very rarely the case.
So what should you think about in terms of preparing what to pack in the event of a fire?
If there are fires in your area, it is recommend that as part of your Bushfire Survival Plan you put together a kit that includes:
- Overnight bag with change of clothes and toiletries
- Medicines and first aid kit
- Important information, such as passport, will, photos, jewellery
- Mobile phone and charger
- Adequate amount of water
- Wool blankets
- Contact information for your doctor, council and power company
Store your kit in an easy-to-access location
Keep important items and information in a safe place that is easily accessible
Consider moving your irreplaceable family keepsakes and valuables out of the area during summer. Scan important information and photos and store them on a CD or memory stick. If you have online storage it is a great idea to scan important documents and transfer them to ‘cyberspace’ so that they can later be accessed from anywhere.
Now I am a big lover of photos and have had situations in the past where I have lost some precious memories. I have learnt a few lessons the hard way. As a result, I have back up upon back ups now, and many are stored securely (hopefully) in cyberspace. I even scanned many of my pre digital photos onto my computer so that I have them stored away online too, as well as on hard drives and USB’s.
Obviously the main priority is always going to be getting people out of danger and this must take precedence over all else. Being prepared with what to pack however, can save you a lot of stress and anguish later on and may even help to keep you alive in the hours that follow your escape.
So no matter where you reside, remember that fires are unpredictable and they certainly won’t wait whilst you go around searching for your treasured belongings.
Have a plan and be prepared.
For more information and to be kept regularly updated in the event of a fire, visit the Victorian CFA website at and follow on Facebook at and Twitter @cfa_updates
What would be on your list of things to pack? And would it be easily accessible?
This Post Has One Comment
I think my wife has all the important stuff backed up….everything else I think is replaceable. If I was fleeing a bushfire however, I would make sure I had blankets and water and my phone….and make sure I was out as early as possible!
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