Helping kids Connect and Chat Safely Online
These times of social distancing have meant that many kids are missing the all important connection the are so used to having with their friends
These times of social distancing have meant that many kids are missing the all important connection the are so used to having with their friends
Have you been frustrated by a grunt, a mumble or a tween or teen who won’t open up when you know something isn’t right? When
The latest movie from Pixar, ‘Inside Out’, does a great job of balancing the complex elements of neuroscience whilst remaining connected to a younger audience
We hear a lot about technology as the bad guy. As parents we love using it. But we also lament the additional strain it puts
Connecting with our kids, even when we think they don’t want us too, is one of the greatest ways we as parents can help our
What do Parents want? I think we would be hard pressed to find a parent that didn’t think they could be a little more patient
The rapid advances in technology have meant rapid changes to the way our children live their lives, and subsequently to the way we must parent.
Last week we were lucky enough to take a little ‘middle of 4th term, pre xmas craziness’ break down to the Peninsula to hang out
I have written before about the teenage brain and the changes that are going on in those strangely wired little heads. I watched this week
The technology of today and the future, and our increasing reliance on portable devices has led to the introduction of a whole new set of
Does socialising online with your kids improve your relationship with them? Does hanging out on social networking sites with mum or dad strengthen the connections
Is Video sharing another online danger for parents to worry about? This week the Facebook owned photo sharing app, Instagram, announced it would add 15
What does it really take to connect with someone? We talk about quality time over quantity. We talk about the benefits of real life connections
I want my boys to be strong. I am not talking about the size of their biceps or the weight of their bench press. As
We survived! Yes, 48 hours without technology. All switched off and disconnected in order to reconnect. In actual fact I didn’t find it too hard
I do love technology and the changes it has made to my life. I can do lots of work from home and still be around
Hearing the words whine “I’m bored…there’s nothing to do” is not really a new phenomena for kids either from my day or with todays ‘fix
Easter this year saw us revisit our camping ground at Halls Gap for another fabulous long weekend of family, friends, fun, chocolate, wine, food and
I remember spending my first Mothers Day in the Royal Childrens Hospital with my new baby and I was given a little card with his
The cyber world and the advancements in technology have resulted in many changes to the way we connect with others. Whilst many of the changes
Its been a few years now since the internet waltzed into our lounge rooms and more recently into our pockets. Nearly 20 years in fact
Does the medium we use when we connect with others change our message? Does it matter if we say something via text, Facebook, Skype or Twitter? As technology
I have often written and spoken about the need to form strong connections with your kids based on open, honest and available communication. We know
Every day there seems to be a new app, social media site or forum for our kids to ‘hangout’ online. Last week I talked about
Getting exercise as a mum is something that some women seem to do really well, and others like me are rather sporadic in their dedication.
Last night I asked someone I had never met “Are you ok?” What followed was a 30 minute conversation on grief and loss. This wasn’t
Keeping an eye on all that our children are doing online is not only time consuming and tedious, but it is almost impossible. We can
Last year on Fathers Day I asked my 3 older boys some interview questions about their dad. It was interesting to see the things they
As parents it is our role to give advice, to solve problems to answer questions and to be a guiding light. But sometimes our kids
Technology, the Internet and our children’s engagement with the online world have lead to many favourable advancements and developments for our children as well as
Why are some kids showing disregard for others, society and the laws? What is it that we are doing differently that allows children to think
The thought of one of our children being bullied, either verbally, physically or covertly, is something that will always remain one of the greatest concerns
At just 8 months of age my youngest boy has a few bruises and bumps to show for his dare devil antics as he tries
The children of today are really no different to those of years gone by. They want to hang out with their mates, they want to
So this week we endured, embraced, rallied and relished 48 hours of life that was technology free. Yes we had no television no internet, no
Last week I week I got an email asking me to be an ambassador for the disCONNECT challenge. In light of my previous post on
Why do we need to understand the technology that our kids are immersed in? The reason is simply that. It is their world, and like
After a busy week unpacking a house, preparing for a 10th birthday and recovering from my husbands 40th, it is now time to get back to
Last Friday, 300 or so bloggers and myself, descended on the city of Melbourne to attend a Bloggers Training Day organised by blogging guru Darren Rowse of
As I bask in the glory of post Grand Final elation, I begin to wonder why football means so much to me and my family. (some