10 tips to get through crappy times
Life is getting pretty tiring for many people right now. There is no doubt plenty of people feel they are in the midst of some
Life is getting pretty tiring for many people right now. There is no doubt plenty of people feel they are in the midst of some
As many kids in Australia and around the world begin the transition back to school and to a “new normal”, it does come with some
This is a guest post from Annie Wylie from ReachOut Australia Finding the balance between trust and freedom with your teenager is a nerve-racking tightrope
When kids make mistakes online should you tell their parents? Should you dob on other peoples kids or should you stay out of others business
This week there has been more reports of abhorrent behaviours by young people, sharing nude photos of others, commenting, naming them, degrading them and passing
I have been talking to parents about Snapchat for a while now. After all, this is by and large one of the most popular apps
Please note this is a sponsored post brought to you by Nuffnang and the Qld Govt. As a mother with boys who are fast approaching
Social media is killing our kids self esteem. And for many an adult too,it is wreaking havoc with their sense of self worth. With social
We spend our days getting kids to recite “what goes online stays online” and “Be kind online”. All very relevant phrases that we want to
Is it even possible to reflect and slow down? In a world where fast internet speed is the difference between a productive hour and a
Things to do these holidays without technology. Surely we don’t need a list? Well of course you don’t. However. I do hear over and over
Tuesday 9th February is Safer Internet Day. This year over one hundred countries will come together to promote a safer internet through raising awareness, improving
I have written many times before about my concerns at simply following age recommendations when it comes time to handing our children a device, or
Recently I saw a photo from a content filtering company NetSanity on Twitter, had a little chuckle to myself, thought it relevant to my audience
The arrival of the internet some 20 something years ago, presented us with untold changes to the way we live our lives. Much of those
The amount of time kids spend playing video games, the types of video games our kids play and the fear of kids becoming gamer zombies
When it comes to digital parenting today, much of what I believe comes from the need to have a clear understanding of the world our
What happens when your child gets trolled? When they say to you “why would someone say that? How could they be so horrible?” Here’s what
Recent comments by Hollywood actress Kate Winslet suggest that she is keeping her kids away from all forms of social media for fear of them
“Prevention is better than the cure”. An important philosophy that highlights the need to be proactive with many aspects of our lives. When it comes
Will you know what to do when your child sees online porn? Think your don’t need to know? Last week we decided that it was
I think we are coming up to our 5th Santa’s Magical Kingdom this year. It has certainly become a family tradition right up there with
Long gone are those days of young boys saving their pennies to buy Playboy magazines, share them around and hide them under their beds. The
I have written, presented and spoken about so many aspects of parenting, and in particular, parenting in this relatively new digital world. I love getting
Technology is a great servant, but a bad master. This take on Francis Bacons quote “Money is a great servant but a bad master” could
These parenting quotes may be for the ‘Modern Parent’, but there is nothing new about many of the sentiments. As parents it is our role
The perils of perfectionism? Isn’t it a good thing to want to do things well? Don’t we want kids that strive for great things? That
When it comes to our devices and etiquette, and deciding what is appropriate for social situations, we all seem to have a view. Are we
Parents often lament the obsession their children have with video games. They rue wasted time, an avoidance of other social interactions, a life on the
Saying yes to say no? Don’t we make it harder for ourselves if we give in? Of course…..sometimes. Disciplining our children is one of the
What do you need to change about your parenting or your family life? Maybe a whole lot? Maybe just one small thing? Maybe nothing? I’ve
Have you been frustrated by a grunt, a mumble or a tween or teen who won’t open up when you know something isn’t right? When
We have all had crappy parenting moments haven’t we? When everything you know about parenting children goes out the window. When emotion takes over from
How do we enforce rules around technology and the online world when so much of what they do we cannot see? I get this question
The latest movie from Pixar, ‘Inside Out’, does a great job of balancing the complex elements of neuroscience whilst remaining connected to a younger audience
Half way through the year and I thought I’d take this opportunity to give a little more of me and share and reflect a little,
I get many questions from parents of kids who are being bullied and also some from those suspecting that their child is engaging in bullying
Bullying is nothing new. Our hyper connected world has, however, ensured greater awareness of the nature and consequences of bullying and much needed discussion has
One of the most frustrating things about the attention bullying gets today is the unfortunate overuse of the word. I will say from the get
The bullying that takes place online or via any technological device is known as cyberbullying. The more we are consumed by the technology, the more